The current constitution was approved at the Annual General Meeting on 10 December 1981, and its latest amendment took place at the Annual General Meeting on 6 December 2018.
Jo Boswell, chair
Richard Partridge, secretary
David Smith, treasurer
Paul Grigg, assistant treasurer
Richard Davies, orchestra manager
Martyn Humphreys, assistant orchestra manager
Jenny Davies, librarian
Veronica Colyer, front-of-house manager
Álvaro Rebón, publicity manager
Gary Walker, friends representative
Stephanie Walsh, social secretary
Caroline Swan, assistant social secretary
Annual General Meetings
Minutes of the most recent Annual General Meeting, held on 1 December 2022 online via Zoom, are available for download in PDF format.
Charity Commission Policies
The orchestra is required to state in its annual return to the Charity Commission whether it has written policies covering certain specified areas. The Commission recognises that not all charities will need to cover all the areas. The orchestra's approach to these areas is available in PDF format.